Monday, October 6, 2008


Today was really fun in class. I have always been way too overwhelmed to use any of the really cool features on my macbook (iMovie, GarageBand, etc), so this class was really interesting for me because I realized that iMovie is really user-friendly. I'm so excited to use this to make movies about vacations and about events in life. I think that I will actually use this because it is so simple! I'm really glad we went over this in class.
I think this would be great to use in my classroom for parents' night to play a slideshow/movie of what the class has been doing. I think it would be really fun to have videos of fieldtrips and other class projects on my class website so that parents could see what their children are doing in school. I think I might have to find a way to encrypt or password protect the videos so strangers couldn't watch videos of other people's children... I would also have to get releases from the parents I'm sure to even take video/pictures.

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